We are neither BTB nor GE. Some even toss around the term "old school". Yes, we're "old school", which means, we don't choose sides in the BTB/GE debate. We'll rp anyone who brings us Gorean rp. Doesn't have to be perfect, just Gorean.
I know not everyone's read the books, it's not a requirement. All we ask is that you at least understand the idea behind the roleplay. Gor is a male dominated world, with medieval weapons yet advanced medical equipment, watched over and controlled by a race of giant mantis-like creatures, called the Priest Kings.
The panther role itself is women, whether slave or Free, who have chosen to run from male-dominated society, living in the forests and surviving by hunting, and yes, bathing. Some of us tweek it a little, rping that we were born in the forest. It's feasible. Creativity is encouraged, rping a completely different thing is not.
Apply what makes sense to the nature of the role of a panther girl. Someone who does NOT want to end up in a collar, nor get her sisters enslaved, is not going to take unnecessary chances. Yes, many tribes out there like to play like they are superwoman, packs of lesbian rapists, or just looking for their next lay, not wanting the collar, but for all intents and purposes might as well be in one. We're not those guys. Pa Ri Tor is, was, and will always be, a band of panther girls that are as close to the books as possible in SL Gor. Wary, skilled huntresses, working together to survive and stay free.